Nashville Trip
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My First trip To Nashville;

Well where shall i begin. As my parents and friends Mike and Cindy Putman were walking down broadway, we passed by this place called Tootsies Records. We stopped when we hear the Awesome voice coming from within. Not knowing if i could get in (being 15). but we went in. And there was this lady singing like i have never heard before. Yup It was Deirdre Reilly. We sat down and she asked what are we in Nashville for.and my family and friends pointed at me.Deirdre asked if i sang.I said yes, so Deirdre Invited me on stage to sing with her.I did Crazy (Acappella). After that Deirdre ask me if i wanted to audition  with the band at Tootsies, i said Saturday afternoon i did and had a ball. Got to sing a few songs with the local band. After that we went to a few record lable companies, droped off a few demos.talked to a few label companies and then went site seeing of inter Nashville, toured the whole city. But what most that will always stand out in my mind of being in Nashville is Deirdre asked me to sing on stage with her, it was an Honor to stand next to a beautiful person, and of course the attractions with in and outer city. I just hope one day i can make it to Nashville and become a recording artist, it's been my total dream.

Deirdre Reilly I Thank You from the bottom of My Heart

For being my new friend, hope to see you soon.


Check out Deirdre Reilly's web site.This is one awesome singer and lady, I am truely glad i got to meet her in Nashville


Deirdre Reilly's Web Link



God Bless america Video,@16


I will Always Love you video@16


Let ER' Rip @ 15 Video


81X Web Page


AnyWay @ 17 video